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Item No. Short Description Content
BEBP18-936 TheraPEAK MSCGM Mesenchymal SC Growth Medium (BEBP12-934Q + 2xBEBP13-935Z5) KT
BEBP12-934Q TheraPEAK MSCGM Mesenchymal SC Basal Medium 1 L
PT-3102B Adipogenic Induction Medium
PT-3102A Adipogenic Maintenance Medium
PT-7009 AdipoRed assay reagent 5x4 ml
PT-3273 ADSC Adipose-Derived SC Basal Medium 500ml
PT-4505 ADSC Adipose-Derived SC Growth Medium (PT-3273+PT-4503) BulletKit
PT-4503 ADSC Adipose-Derived SC Growth Medium SingleQuots
PT-3927 DPSC Dental Pulp Stem Cell Basal Medium 500 ml
PT-4516 DPSC Dental Pulp Stem Cell Supplements and Growth Factors SingleQuots
PT-3005 DPSC Dental Pulp Stem Cell (PT-3927 & PT-4516) BulletKit
PT-3004 hMSC Adipogenic Diff. BulletKit (PT-3102A+PT-3102B+PT-4122+PT-4135) KT
PT-4122 hMSC Adipogenic Maintenance SingleQuots
PT-3003 hMSC Chondrogenic Diff. (PT-3925+PT-4121) BulletKit
PT-4121 hMSC Chondrogenic SingleQuots SingleQuots
PT-3002 hMSC Osteogenic Diff. (PT-3924+PT-4120) BulletKit
PT-4120 hMSC Osteogenic SingleQuots
FP-5020 L7 hPSC Matrix 1 mg
FP-5013 L7 hPSC Passaging Solution 100 ml
PT-3001 MSCGM Mesenchymal SC Growth Medium BulletKit (PT-3238+PT-4105) KT
PT-3238 MSCGM Mesenchymal SC Basal Medium 440 ml
PT-4105 MSCGM Mesenchymal SC Growth Medium SingleQuots Supplements and Growth Factors KT
CC-4241 NPMM Neural Prog. Diff. Maint. Medium SingleQuots KT
CC-4242 Neural Progenitor SingleQuots KT
CC-3229 NPDM Neural Progenitor Diff. Medium BulletKit (CC-3210+CC-4242) KT
CC-3210 NPBM Neural Progenitor Basal Medium 200ml
PT-8201 OCP Osteoclast Precursor Basal Medium 100 ml
PT-9501 OCP Osteoclast Precursor Medium SingleQuots Supplements KT
PT-8001 OCP Osteoclast Precursor Medium BulletKit (PT-8201+PT-9501) KT
PT-8202 PBM-2 Preadipocyte Basal Medium 500 ml
PT-9502 PGM-2 Preadipocyte Growth Medium SingleQuots Supplements and Growth Factors KT
PT-8002 PGM-2 Preadipocyte Growth Medium BulletKit (PT-8202+PT-9502) KT
PT-4124 rhTGF-ß3 for hMSC Chondrogenic Differentiation Medium Supplement 2 ug