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Item No. Short Description Content
BEBP18-936 TheraPEAK MSCGM Mesenchymal SC Growth Medium (BEBP12-934Q + 2xBEBP13-935Z5) KT
BEBP12-934Q TheraPEAK MSCGM Mesenchymal SC Basal Medium 1 L
BEBP15-933D eCHO Basal Medium, serum-free, chemically defined, powder 10 L
BE15-932D eCHO Feed Medium, serum-free, chemically defined, powder 10 L
260280.01 human Leukopak 2.5 Billion
260240.01 human Leukopak 9 Billion
260260.01 human Leukopak 5 Billion
BAA-1009 CytoSmart TM Exact FL Fluorescence Cell Counter 1
KAB-1009 CytoSmart TM Lux3 BR device, Live imaging system for in-incubator, brightfield monitoring of biological cells 1 PC
HCB-1003 CytoSmart Lux2 2-Year-Warranty Extension Package 1 PC
KED-1009 CytoSmart TM Multi Lux3 BR, Live imaging system for in-incubator, brightfield monitoring of biological cells 4 PC
HCC-1003 CytoSmart Lux2 5-Year-Warranty Extension Package 1 PC
OMA-1007 Organoid Counting Software 1 PC
JAB-1004 CytoSmart TM Lux2 Live imaging system for in-incubator, brightfield monitoring of biological cells 1 PC
MAB-1008 CytoSmart TM Lux3 FL device, Live imaging system for in-incubator, brightfield and fluorescent monitoring of biological cells 1 PC
ONA-1002 Starter License Key for one CytoSmart TM device, 1 year CytoSmart TM Connect license for unlimited online data storage, sharing & analysis 1 PC
VXA-1003 CytoSmart TM Connect Cloud FR Licence for one device, Cloud storage and image analysis for the lifespan 1 PC
CC-3170 BEGM Bronchial Epithelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3171+CC-4175) KT
192627 NHEK-Ad, single donor recomm. in KGM-Gold >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2540S NHBE Human Bronchial Epi Cells, w/ RA for B-ALI; rec. in BEGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-3162 EGM-2 Endothelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-4176+CC-3156) KT
CC-3202/6 EGM-2 MV Microvascular Endothelial 6x BulletKit (CC-3156+CC-4147) 6-PACK
BEBP12-029Q ProCHO 4 Protein-free CHO Medium w/ Phenol Red, FFM 1 L
CC-2511 NHDF-Ad Human Dermal Fibroblasts recomm. in FGM-2 >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
LZ-CC-3202 EGM-2 MV Microvascular Endothelial BulletKit (CC-4147+CC-3156) KT
BELN12-771Q PowerCHO 2 Serum-free Medium chemically defined, FFM 1 L
CC-4127 REGM Renal Epithelial Growth Medium SingleQuots KT
CC-3132 FGM-2 Fibroblast Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3131+CC-4126) KT
CC-3245 SkGM-2 Skeletal Muscle Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3244+CC-3246) KT
CC-3182 SmGM-2 Smooth Muscle Growth Medium-2 BulletKit (CC-3181+CC-4149) KT
CC-5012 Trypsin/EDTA solution 100 ml
BE02-060F X-VIVO 15 Medium w/ L-Gln, Gentamicin and Phenol Red 500 ml
LZ-4Y-101C human Mobilized CD34+ 1 million cells CRYO-AMP
CC-4176 EGM-2 Endothelial Growth Medium SingleQuots KT
CC-3151 MEBM Mammary Epithelial Basal Medium 500 ml
CC-3150 MEGM Mammary Epithelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3151+CC-4136) KT
CC-5035 EGM-Plus Endothelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-4542+CC-5036) KT
CC-5034 ReagentPack subculture reagents 100 ml
CC-4542 EGM-Plus Endothelial Growth Medium SingleQuots KT
CC-3156 EBM-2 Endothelial Basal Medium 500 ml
CC-4133 EGM Endothelial Growth Medium SingleQuots KT
CC-3124 EGM Endothelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3121+CC-4133) KT
192060 KGM-Gold KERATINCYte Growth Medium BulletKit (00192151+00192152) KT
CC-2541 NHBE Human Bronchial Epi Cells, w/o RA recomm. in BEGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-4147 EGM-2 MV Microvascular Endothelial SingleQuots KT
R-DRG-505 R-DRG Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons 200'000 cells CRYO-AMP
51226 AccuGENE 10X PBS, pH 7.4 17 mM KH2PO4, 50 mM Na2HPO4, 1.5 M NaCl 1 L
51225 AccuGENE 1X PBS, pH 7.4 1.7 mM KH2PO4, 5 mM NaH2PO4, 150 mM NaCl 1 L
CC-4519 5-Bromo-2'deoxyuridine 1 vial
PT-3102B Adipogenic Induction Medium
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