Primary Cells and Media

With broad range of cells and media from Lonza, the world’s leading provider of primary cells, we offer complete and ready-to-use systems for cell culture that assure cell performance and more biologically relevant outcomes of your research. These non-transformed, non-immortalized cells are also cost-effective and allows to refine experiments by reducing the number of in vivo studies. Other product formats (plates or flasks) are available upon request. For more information, please contact
  With broad range of cells and media from Lonza, the world’s leading provider of primary cells, we offer complete and ready-to-use systems for cell culture that assure cell performance... read more »
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Primary Cells and Media
With broad range of cells and media from Lonza, the world’s leading provider of primary cells, we offer complete and ready-to-use systems for cell culture that assure cell performance and more biologically relevant outcomes of your research. These non-transformed, non-immortalized cells are also cost-effective and allows to refine experiments by reducing the number of in vivo studies. Other product formats (plates or flasks) are available upon request. For more information, please contact
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Item No. Short Description Content
CC-2550 NHAC-kn Human Knee Articular Chondrocytes recomm. in CGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2540 NHBE Human Bronchial Epi Cells, w/ RA recomm. in BEGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2903 NHCF-A - Atrial recomm. in FGM-3 >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2904 NHCF-V - Ventricular recomm. in FGM-3 >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2701 NHDC Human Dendritic Cells 2.5 million cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2509 NHDF-Neo Human Dermal Fibroblasts recomm. in FGM-2 >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2503 NHEK-Neo Human Epidermal KERATINCYtes recomm. in KGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
192906 NHEK-Neo, pooled recomm. in KGM-Gold >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
192907 NHEK-Neo, single donor recomm. in KGM-Gold >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2507 NHEK-Neo, pooled recomm. in KGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2586 NHEM-Ad Human Epidermal Melanocytes recomm. in MGM-4 >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2504 NHEM-Neo Human Epidermal Melanocytes recomm. in MGM-4 >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2538 NHOst Normal Human Osteoblasts recomm. in OGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
LZ-NSHPRG NoSpin HepaRG 8 million cells/vial CRYO-AMP
CC-4323 NSF-1 Neural Survival Factor 4 ml
CC-3208 OBM Osteoblast Basal Medium 500ml
CC-4194 OGM Osteoblast Growth Medium Diff. SingleQuots KT
CC-4193 OGM Osteoblast Growth Med. SingleQuots KT
CC-3207 OGM Osteoblast Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3208+CC-4193) KT
PT-8001 OCP Osteoclast Precursor Medium BulletKit (PT-8201+PT-9501) KT
CC-2581 PASMC Human Pulmonary Artery SM Cells recomm. in SmGM-2 >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
LZ-4W-202 human Peripheral Blood CD4+ Naïve 5 million cells CRYO-AMP
LZ-4W-204 human Peripheral Blood CD4+/CD45RO+ 5 million cells CRYO-AMP
LZ-4W-302 human Peripheral Blood CD8+/CD45RA+ 5 million cells CRYO-AMP
LZ-4W-501 human Peripheral Blood NK Neg 5 million cells CRYO-AMP
LZ-4W-502 human Peripheral Blood NK Pos 5 million cells CRYO-AMP
CC-3256 PNBM Primary Neuron Basal Medium 200 ml
CC-4461 PNGM Primary Neuron Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3256+CC-4462) KT
CC-4462 PNGM Primary Neuron Growth Medium SingleQuots Supplements and Growth Factors KT
CC-4511 PNGM-A Primary Neuron Growth Medium-Ad SingleQuots KT
CC-3165 PrEBM Prostate Epithelial Basal Medium 500ml
CC-2555 PrEC Human Prostate Epithelial Cells recomm. in PrEGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-3166 PrEGM Prostate Epithelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3165 + CC-4177) KT
193837 ProSieve QuadColor Protein Marker 50 applications 4.6 kDa - 300 kDa 500 uL
CC-2508 PrSC Human Prostate Stromal Cells recomm. in SCGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2587 PrSMC Human Prostate Smooth Muscle Cells recomm. in SmGM-2 >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
00219735 P-HEK, Diseased Human Epidermal KERATINCYtes from Psoriasis Donor (limited Edition) >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
016-1R10 RAFT 96-well Bundle Kit (016-0R94 & 016-0R92) KT
016-1R32 RAFT Absorbers for 24-well plate 48 qty EA
016-1R33 RAFT Insert Absorber for 24-well plate 48 qty, for inserts EA
016-1R24 RAFT 24-well Bundle Kit (016-0R94 & 016-1R32) KT
016-1R25 RAFT 24-well Insert Bundle Kit (016-0R94 & 016-1R33) KT
016-0R92 RAFT Plate Kit 4x96-well clear plate, 4x96-well absorb. EA
016-0R94 RAFT Reagent Kit KT
016-1R16 RAFT Small Kit (016-0R95 & 016-1R34) KT
016-1R17 RAFT Small Kit, 60 rxns, reagent & 96-well plate absorb. KT
016-1R18 RAFT 24-well Insert Sample Kit KT
R-ASM-580 R-AoSM Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells 500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
R-ASM-530 R-AsM Rat Brain Cx-Hi-Cp Mix Astrocytes 1 million cells CRYO-AMP
R-CB-503 R-Cb Rat Cerebellar Neurons 4 million cells, Granule Cells CRYO-AMP
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